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- 400
- green
- a color
- purple
- a color
- blue
- a color
- yellow
- a color
- orange
- a color
- white
- a color
- black
- a color
- brown
- a color
- crimson
- a color
- mauve
- a color
- azure
- a color
- beige
- a color
- olive
- a color
- snake
- a reptile
- turtle
- a reptile
- lizard
- a reptile
- dolphin
- a sea mammal
- whale
- a sea mammal
- porpoise
- a sea mammal
- seal
- a sea mammal
- walrus
- a sea mammal
- dugong
- a sea mammal
- cardinal
- a bird
- thrush
- a bird
- titmouse
- a bird
- lark
- a bird
- bluebird
- a bird
- sparrow
- a bird
- parakeet
- a bird
- parrot
- a bird
- cockatoo
- a bird
- crow
- a bird
- raven
- a bird
- vulture
- a bird
- buzzard
- a bird
- hawk
- a bird
- chicken
- a bird
- duck
- a bird
- turkey
- a bird
- elephant
- a land mammal
- tiger
- a land mammal
- giraffe
- a land mammal
- horse
- a land mammal
- gazelle
- a land mammal
- cheetah
- a land mammal
- gorilla
- a land mammal
- monkey
- a land mammal
- buffalo
- a land mammal
- hippo
- a land mammal
- zebra
- a land mammal
- coyote
- a land mammal
- jackal
- a land mammal
- mouse
- a land mammal
- rabbit
- a land mammal
- badger
- a land mammal
- hedgehog
- a land mammal
- bear
- a land mammal
- shark
- a fish
- salmon
- a fish
- mackeral
- a fish
- piranha
- a fish
- halibut
- a fish
- trout
- a fish
- lobster
- of the sea
- shrimp
- of the sea
- crab
- of the sea
- oyster
- of the sea
- clam
- of the sea
- starfish
- of the sea
- squid
- of the sea
- octopus
- of the sea
- rose
- a flower
- daisy
- a flower
- tulip
- a flower
- violet
- a flower
- pansy
- a flower
- marigold
- a flower
- arizona
- united states
- arkansas
- united states
- alabama
- united states
- maine
- united states
- deleware
- united states
- maryland
- united states
- nebraska
- united states
- oklahoma
- united states
- montana
- united states
- florida
- united states
- tennesee
- united states
- georgia
- united states
- missouri
- united states
- alaska
- united states
- nevada
- united states
- unicorn
- fantasy
- wizard
- fantasy
- witch
- fantasy
- fairy
- fantasy
- troll
- fantasy
- giant
- fantasy
- banshee
- fantasy
- mermaid
- fantasy
- gandhi
- at the movies
- network
- at the movies
- patton
- at the movies
- rocky
- at the movies
- superman
- at the movies
- alien
- at the movies
- cocoon
- at the movies
- psycho
- at the movies
- godzilla
- at the movies
- platoon
- at the movies
- dracula
- at the movies
- vertigo
- at the movies
- camille
- at the movies
- money
- shopping
- aisle
- shopping
- market
- shopping
- basket
- shopping
- cashier
- shopping
- clerk
- shopping
- apollo
- mythology
- zeus
- mythology
- perseus
- mythology
- venus
- mythology
- hermes
- mythology
- hercules
- mythology
- minotaur
- mythology
- amulet
- jewelry
- bracelet
- jewelry
- earring
- jewelry
- diamond
- jewelry
- necklace
- jewelry
- locket
- jewelry
- tiara
- jewelry
- crystal
- geology
- mineral
- geology
- mountain
- geology
- quake
- geology
- granite
- geology
- marble
- geology
- quartz
- geology
- franc
- currency
- dollar
- currency
- peso
- currency
- drachma
- currency
- pound
- currency
- ruble
- currency
- fungus
- a noun
- gasoline
- a noun
- gimmick
- a noun
- hermit
- a noun
- house
- a noun
- illusion
- a noun
- infant
- a noun
- january
- time of year
- october
- time of year
- febuary
- time of year
- august
- time of year
- summer
- time of year
- november
- time of year
- december
- time of year
- wrestle
- to fight
- gouge
- to fight
- assault
- to fight
- struggle
- to fight
- combat
- to fight
- skirmish
- to fight
- subtract
- mathematics
- divide
- mathematics
- multiply
- mathematics
- polygon
- mathematics
- circle
- mathematics
- pentagon
- mathematics
- octogon
- mathematics
- trumpet
- of music
- flute
- of music
- violin
- of music
- trombone
- of music
- clarinet
- of music
- guitar
- of music
- drums
- of music
- resistor
- high tech
- computer
- high tech
- laser
- high tech
- shuttle
- high tech
- diode
- high tech
- diskette
- high tech
- digital
- high tech
- football
- sports
- baseball
- sports
- hockey
- sports
- swimming
- sports
- racing
- sports
- soccer
- sports
- cricket
- sports
- diving
- sports
- golf
- sports
- tennis
- sports
- verbatim
- no clue
- loadstar
- no clue
- scramble
- no clue